Providing smart connectivity for mining and quarry operations – enable better mobility and connectivity today.
Create the Smart Mine of Tomorrow
Improve mining safety, efficiency, and productivity through better connectivity. Our high-speed, low latency connectivity solutions allow operators to leverage real-time condition monitoring, connect autonomous vehicles, control equipment remotely, and enable IoT PPE to ensure the safest possible environment.
It’s time to get smart.
- Don’t delay, adopt a wireless-first strategy today:
How can Clarus help improve operations?

Real-time Condition Monitoring
By leveraging real-time data, operators can proactively monitor the maintenance of equipment. Access to this data drastically improves worker safety, ensuring that machinery faults can be identified and accidents prevented.

Autonomous Vehicles
Autonomous drill rigs not only improve worker safety, they also increase productivity by up to 60%. High-bandwidth, fast, low-latency connectivity is vital for the required live video streaming.

Remote-Controlled Solutions
Improve safety by carrying out drone inspections in challenging environments. Connect remote-controlled haulage vehicles to increase efficiency and ensure workers are kept out of harm’s way.

IoT-enabled Workwear & Equipment
IoT-enabled PPE and employee monitoring equipment improves the safety of every person on site. Leverage sensors, environmental monitoring, and site security systems such as CCTV and access terminals, to protect vital assets.

LEO Satcomms
Servng high-speed, low-latency Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite internet, even in the most remote locations in the world.

Bonded LTE / 5G
Combine the speeds of multiple networks, with advanced bandwidth aggregation and intelligent failover, to deliver the most resilient connection possible.

Private Cellular
Leverage the power of a private mobile network to deliver fast, low-latency, reliable site-wide connectivity for mission critical IoT operations.

Mobile Coverage
Create vital mobile voice and data coverage, in any type of building, with our licence-exempt repeaters and distributed antenna systems.